Saturday, September 26, 2009

Double Standard

It would appear that there are people in this city who like to live with a double standard. There are those that think they are doing good for this city. Unfortunately these same people do absolutely nothing for our town. I am tired of people coming to my door with fliers about blogs that are little more than a public "slamfest" against our community. These are not people sent by the "city" as I was told when they handed me the flier. I was told it was a "community blog" that the city had set up to promote togetherness.
How can we come together when all we do is show negativity? We need to serve as a portal to a new way of thinking. Do not trash your neighbors, do not down talk people who are doing good for their community. If you have an issue with this community perhaps you should try to better it by volunteering. This would do make a far better impact than standing up at every council meeting and wasting people's time.
When I look at some of the other blogs I see that, "the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many". My site is aimed at the "many" that have no voice because they are drowned out by the "VOICES" of those that want everything for themselves. PLEASE!!!! The next time you want to post something make it constructive. Keep it neutral, keep it real and keep it community based.

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